What is a Braai Exactly?

What is a Braai Exactly?

Simply put, a BBQ in South Africa is akin to what you're familiar with as an American barbecue. It's a ubiquitous and cherished tradition in South African homes, where friends and family come together around a wood-fired grill for conviviality and feasting.

Across South Africa's diverse cultural landscape, the tradition of BBQing transcends ethnic and linguistic boundaries. Regardless of background, everyone partakes in the communal joy of cooking over flames, fostering a sense of unity and belonging.

Compared to the brisk pace of American BBQs, South African braais unfold at a leisurely tempo, often stretching into hours of shared enjoyment.

Traditional braais rely on local hardwoods like kameeldoring, imparting a unique flavor to meats and accompaniments. While apple wood is a suitable alternative, it's more commonly found in the U.S.

It's crucial to note that a true braai never involves gas grills. Instead, it's prepared on an open grill with a distinctive diamond-patterned metal grate or standard grill grates above a flat fire pit. If you're without a dedicated braai grill, options like kettle grills, fire pits, or charcoal grills such as the Weber Grill, Big Green Egg, or Char-Broil can suffice.
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